Sustainability. Our mission is to provide our customers with the best products. We created them with care, passion, and pride by real people.
A sustainable production to preserve nature, traditions, and people.
There’s a movement made of small farmers, artisans, and intellectuals who want to change the approach to food production, pairing ethical and moral values with business and putting people and the environment first. They fight and support a sustainable production model.
“Small Family Farms.
Our oil is made by micro farmers and their families. They usually have inherited their tiny farm and they’ve carried on ancient farming methods throughout generations.”
“A countermovement.”
Small-scale farming produces abundant food without depleting the earth’s resources or polluting its environment. Most of the farms in Italy are classified as small. However, these family-owned and operated farms face significant challenges due to current trends, such as increased movement into cities, an aging population, industrial farm consolidation, and changing weather patterns.
For these reasons, family and small farms are vital to our economy and well-being. They support the competitiveness and sustainability of rural and farm economies.
Following the Natural Cycles of Nature
Sustainable Agriculture follows the principles of nature.
It’s, like nature, self-sustaining. But, it’s also the agriculture of social values, vibrant rural communities, families, and wholesome food for everyone.
It promotes biodiversity, recycles plant nutrients, protects soil from erosion, and conserves and protects water.
Self-sustaining, Biodiversity, Social Values, Vibrant rural Communities.
On the other side, the industrial model has degraded soil and water through its emphasis on high production.
Also, It has reduced biodiversity, which is a crucial element of food security.
Finally, it has increased our dependence on imported oil and driven more and more acres into the hands of fewer and fewer “farmers,” crippling rural communities.
“The importance of family and small farms”
Small farms are vital: they protect and enhance natural resources and the environment. Provide a nursery for the development of new micro-enterprises. Maintain rural populations.
Farmer’s Olive Oil. Vibrant, green, incredibly fresh – tasting and right off the press.
More than a mere condiment, it’s an authentic sensory experience.
An elixir.
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