Exploring Olive Oil in Middle Eastern Culture
Olive oil transcends its culinary use in the Middle East, embodying a legacy of resilience and tradition. The olive tree, thriving for centuries even under challenging conditions, is a symbol of endurance and prosperity in the region.
The Serene Spirit of Umbria: How Centuries of Franciscanism Shaped a Culture
Umbria's tranquility is not just a product of its beautiful landscapes but is deeply rooted in its historical and spiritual lineage. Centuries of Franciscanism have cultivated a culture that cherishes peace, simplicity, and community. It serves as a gentle reminder to all of us, in our hectic modern lives, about the profound value of these timeless principles.
Francis' devotion to a life of poverty and simplicity quickly gained him followers. In 1209, he founded the Franciscan Order, which emphasized poverty, humility, and the love of God.
The St. Francis Path, also known as the Way of St. Francis or Via di Francesco, is a famous walking trail that winds through the beautiful countryside of Umbria in central Italy